Ben Fike Senior Minister Ben began work with the Cole Mill Road congregation in the fall of 2018. In addition to preaching and worship planning responsibilities, facilitates a peer mentoring community of younger ministers and is a member of the Racial Unity Leadership Summit (RULS), a national network of church leaders working to promote racial equity and justice in congregations and communities; learned to play drums at age 11 as a consolation prize after breaking his leg skiing. |
Sharon Hilliard Youth & Family Minister Sharon joined the staff in the summer of 2011; loves guiding teens and children in their faith journeys; serves as Director of Crossroads Preschool; member of Durham-Orange County Preschool Directors Association, Youth Cartel Cohort, and National Youth Ministers Coaching Certification; loves to cook/bake and read books. |
Pam Dolejs
Pam started work as our church secretary 20+ years ago as a non-member (although you’ll see her at our congregational events from time to time). She is a member at another local church, and serves at the church and in the community. Pam is thankful for a job she loves, wonderful husband, two awesome adult children, sweet dog, and above all – a loving Heavenly Father! Her last name is tricky for some; but the pronunciation is simple -- Dole-ish. |
Jorge Aguilera Latino Minister